Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Indoor Cycling intervals...my legs burn!

Despite the sore ankle and contrary to what others have said, I have decided to try cycling indoors. I have a CycloOps Fluid 2 trainer which came with a Trainsmart Time Trial video. It was challenging. Chris Carmichael, former coach of Lance Armstrong leads the video. I really don't like training using a video but he was very motivating and was continuously encouraging the 6 participants in the video, so it felt like he was in the room. We did 3x 5min intervals at a super high cadence (110) followed by 3 sets of 2min at high cadence (95) and 2min at medium cadence (85).

I think it is a great workout but Carmichael suggest that this be completed 6 weeks prior to the race season so I may look for an alternative during my prebuilding phase.

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